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Although we believe there are much more than 5 benefits to being a KBA Troll, here is a good read for parents, guardians and students from the National Society of High School Scholars, in regards to the benefits of online school.

1. Enjoy a more flexible schedule.

A major benefit to online high school classes is the ability to enjoy a more flexible learning schedule than you would have while attending high school in-person.

If you work better in the evenings or have responsibilities in the mornings, you can finish your schoolwork later, or vice versa. 

This more flexible schedule will help you get used to working through classes when it feels best for you, rather than learning alongside all of your fellow students at set times of day.

You might also enjoy more focused and frequent breaks while working through online classes, which will allow you to have a more relaxing experience than you likely had while attending in person.

2. Choose your learning environment.

Online learning also allows you to create your learning environment differently than you can at school. While at home, you can create your own workspace in which you feel most comfortable.

Maybe you fill your learning space with inspirational quotes, photos that make you happy, comfortable pillows on which to sit, etc. 

Of course, not every student has an ideal home environment in which to learn, so try to work with your parents or guardians to find a solution and make sure you have somewhere to go with strong internet connection and space to focus prior to online classes in the fall. 

Fortunately, KBA has you covered, with a school full of super cool teachers and snacks!!

3. Work at your own pace.

During online high school, you will also be able to work more at your own pace. You will have deadlines, of course, but you will likely have more wiggle room when it comes to getting your work done. 

You can also advocate for your particular learning style and see if your teachers have plans for students who are hands-on learners. If you are an auditory learner, make sure you have the ability to listen to lessons as well as read them. If you are a visual learner, these online lessons will likely work well for you. Online learning will likely allow for more accommodations when it comes to diverse learning styles.

No matter how you learn, though, you will have more flexibility with online learning than you did at school, which will allow you to work through your lessons at a pace that works for you.

4. Eliminate social distractions.

Though you might enjoy the social aspect of school, learning online will eliminate the distractions that come from working alongside your friends. 

Online high school is also a great opportunity for students who do not enjoy the social aspect of high school for whatever reason. Now, you do not have to sit in-person all day with students if you feel uncomfortable in social settings and can choose which social interactions to participate in.

5. Develop time management and independence skills.

Finally, taking high school courses online will help you build the time management and independence skills you will need in college and beyond. 

Since you likely won’t have the same level of accountability from teachers and classmates when you’re working independently at home, you will need to set reminders for your own deadlines and learn how to work in a focused, intentional manner while not in a classroom setting.

Assuming your college classes will require the same level of accountability, while learning online, you will acquire the skills you need to succeed as a more independent learner. This will help prepare you for life after high school!